This past Friday, May 22nd close to 100 artists, musicians, and many compassionate members of our community rallied together for the people of Nepal, recently ravaged by earthquakes. Vidya's Veggie Gourmet is proud to have been a part of such an incredibly heart warming evening. Thank you to all who came out to share your light. To donate, please contact Vanessa at the link below.
A note from Vanessa Robertson, coordinator of the event:
"OVERWHELMED with gratitude for an incredibly successful Nepal Relief Fundraiser event last night "Sangha helping Sangha", "Community helping Community".
"Vidya's Veggie Gourmet restaurant was packed with love and support with friends from all of my life circles...And SOOO many friends who couldn't physically attend donated online or bought "virtual" tickets to support us. I am RIDICULOUSLY giddy to announce that we have raised $9534 so far!!.....We still have some items that didn't sell in the auction so I will post shortly with a "Second Chance" auction for those that couldn't attend and it's not too late to still donate online."
"The biggest thank you, from my heart to all of my friends, near and far who contributed to this success. "

The talented John Weston, Myrelle Byrd, and Guest Guitarist

Vanessa Robertson and Kim Vidya